Setting up and configuring hugo-geo is as simple as changing a few values in your site config.toml
. Lets look at this example site’s config and go over what
each of hugo-geo’s site [params]
If this guide doesn’t answer your question it may be covered in the Hugo documentation.
baseurl = ""
relativeURLs = false
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "My New Hugo Site"
disqusShortname = "shortcode-here"
paginate = 5
tag = "tags"
tutorial = "tutorials"
showglobe = true
analytics = "code-here"
github = ""
twitter = ""
linkedin = ""
email = ""
profilepic = "img/profile.png"
title = "MY NAME"
subtitle = "MY HUGO BLOG"
name = "About"
url = "about"
name = "Blog"
url = ""
name = "Tutorials"
url = "tutorial/"
The Spinning Globe
showglobe = true
Set this to false
and the spinning globe in the sidebar will not be rendered.
In order to remain compatible with Hugo v0.14, the analytics shortcode is specified in the site params.
Social Links
github = ""
twitter = ""
linkedin = ""
email = ""
These social settings set the icon links in the sidebar. If you don’t want to have a certain icon or link show up, simply remove it.
Sidebar Profile Picture
profilepic = "img/profile.png"
This is the path to the profile image shown in the sidebar, relative to the baseurl
Title & Subtitle
Either of these can be removed. If the title
param is removed, then the site title
will be used instead.
Nav Links
A customizable array of links that will appear in the sidebar, or dropdown menu when viewed on mobile. The URL is relative to the baseurl
Content Front Matter
There are few custom settings you can specify in your content front matter that will effect how hugo generates your site.
Syntax highlighting with hljs
Set highlight = true
in your post front matter to include highlight.js javascript and css.
Custom JS/CSS
Include custom CSS and Javascript on an individual piece of content like so:
scripts = [
css = [
Posting Tutorials
In order for a tutorial
to show up on the /tutorials/
page list, it must have index = true
present in the front matter of the post.
New tutorial
’s will not show up on the front page of the site, yet.
Multi-paged tutorial series can be accomplished by including links to each page of the tutorial on the page with index = true